Daniel Vlček

Cause and Effect — Mumble Buzz

March 9, 2019 - April 20, 2019 Curator: Jiří Ptáček Photos by: Ondřej Polák Drdova Gallery, Křížkovského, Prague 3-Žižkov, Czechia

Four — channel sound installation, beeswax, metal dust, magnets, magnetic sensors, modular system.

The four-channel sound installation Mumble Buzz contains field recordings of bees from a plastic barrel, from where they supplied the hive with rainwater in the summer. The sound loops were run over each other in sequences using magnetic sensors and magnetic dots placed on a rotating circular image. By slowing down the speed and reducing the bit rate of the sound, the remote original source is recorded and changed into continuous industrial noise. The manipulated buzz of the bees rotated in the gallery space, copying the rotation of the black circle and the shape of the barrel from which the record comes.

“Vlček’s current painting position is deeply connected with the idea of consequences, for which you cannot easily throw causes, and with consistency they escape and mysterious, obscured in interference grids, with a smooth, almost oily surface, but hiding background and depth.”